“優質的表現始於積極的態度。” Quality performance starts with a positive attitude.
Jeffrey Gitomer
“生命短暫,而你可以決定讓它活出燦爛。” Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.
Sadie Delany
“為了規畫出積極變革的未來,首先我們必須成為改變想法的專家。” In order to design a future of positive change, we must first become expert at changing our minds.
Jacque Fresco
“不論今天過得很好還是過得很有趣。明天都是新的開始。” Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.
Dr. Suess
“面對陽光你就不會看到陰影。” Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
Helen Keller
“即便以前做過,現在仍可繼續。著眼在積極能帶來的可能性。將挫敗感轉化為積極、效率、不可阻擋的決心。” You’ve done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.
Ralph Marston